South Wales Evening Post


- JASON EVANS REPORTER jason.evans@walesonlin­

A LITTLE boy has been left with catastroph­ic lifelong brain injuries after his dad violently shook him, a court has heard.

The boy is unable to walk or swallow properly, has to be fed via a tube in his stomach, and has up to 10 epileptic seizures a day.

The terrible injuries were caused by his own father who attacked him when he was just three months old and then lied to a 999 call handler that he had found the youngster collapsed.

A judge at Swansea Crown Court said it was only thanks to the remarkable response of paramedics and Wales Air Ambulance crew that the boy survived at all.

The Carmarthen­shire dad, who is in his 20s but who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, had denied inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent but was convicted following a trial.

The court heard the boy has been left with global developmen­tal delay, cerebral palsy, and epileptic seizures.

He needs a wheelchair to get around and relies on carers to provide for his basic daily needs.

Doctors say there is no prospect of recovery from the injuries.

In an impact statement read to the court, the boy’s mother spoke of the pain and heartache at what had happened to her son.

She said that for as long as she lived she would “grieve for the life he should have had” and it is

“not one loss, it is a million of them” from never hearing him say the word ‘mum’ to not having the joy of being a grandmothe­r one day.

The mum said she prayed her son lost consciousn­ess quickly during the assault and did not know his dad was attacking him and that she dreads the prospect of him one day being able to communicat­e and ask her what happened to him.

She added: “[He] is the the love of my life and we will have a good and happy life.”

The court heard in the weeks before the attack the father had made internet searches for topics including “do babies feel fear?”, “I hate my newborn baby”, and “five things not to do with a baby”.

On the day in question, the father violently shook the baby after he came home from work and while his partner was out of the house.

He then called 999 and lied that the boy had collapsed and was turning blue.

An ambulance was on the scene within six minutes and paramedics managed to get the infant’s heart beating again though he was still unable to breathe by himself. Minutes later the air ambulance arrived and, after the baby’s condition was stabilised, he was flown to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

The father continued the pretence that he had found the boy collapsed while he was at the hospital and maintained the lie right up to and during his trial. However a wealth of medical evidence pointed towards the baby having suffered a violent shaking.

Jonathan Rees QC, for the dad, invited the court to find it had been a “spontaneou­s event” and he said the defendant feels “genuine, deep, and heartfelt remorse”.

The barrister said the not guilty plea and trial were evidence of his client “lacking the courage to face the true circumstan­ces of what happened that day” rather than a lack of remorse.

Judge Geraint Walters said it was hard to imagine a more vulnerable victim than the baby in this case.

Addressing the defendant, he said: “Every child is entitled to the care which every parent should give. The trust placed in a parent is, to state the obvious, considerab­le. A child this young, so vulnerable, has to be protected and nurtured. [He] was entitled to look to you as someone who would protect him - not hurt him in the way you did.”

He added that it was clear the father had an “underlying defective personalit­y”.

Judge Walters also praised the paramedics who saved the child’s life. He said: “But for the ambulance service’s remarkable response and expertise he would probably not have recovered at all.”

The father was sentenced to 10 years in prison and will serve twothirds of that period in custody before being released on licence to serve the remainder in the community.

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