South Wales Evening Post

Onlooker slapped man performing sex act in street

- JASON EVANS REPORTER jason.evans@walesonlin­

A MAN confronted a stranger who dropped his trousers and performed a sex act, a court has heard.

The victim was so angry at what Daniel Ash did that he responded by slapping the man and calling the police.

A court has previously heard that 25-year-old Ash has “20 urges a day” and was taking medication to try to curb his problem.

Swansea Crown Court heard the incident took place near Stockham’s Corner in Neath in the early hours of September 5 this year.

Craig Jones, prosecutin­g, said the male victim was walking home when he was approached by Ash who had his T-shirt over his head and his jogging bottoms around his ankles. Mr Jones said as the defendant walked

towards the man he was performing a sex act and rubbing his nipples.

The court heard the victim was angry and concerned at the behaviour and slapped Ash to get him to keep his distance.

The defendant ran off and the victim called the police.

Ash, of Briton Ferry Road, Melin, Neath, admitted exposure.

The court heard he has three previous conviction­s for five offences including sexual activity with a child under 13 when he was a juvenile and outraging public decency in 2018.

This last offence had seen him following an elderly woman in Neath town centre while pleasuring himself through a large tear in the crotch of his trousers.

He initially denied touching himself, saying he had just been “adjusting himself”, but later told officers that he has “around 20 urges a day” which he satisfies by masturbati­ng – something he usually does in the house but “sometimes” does outside.

Dan Griffiths, for Ash, invited the court to follow the recommenda­tions of a pre-sentence report in the case.

Recorder Christophe­r Clee QC said the report made it clear Ash posed a “very high risk” of committing sexual offences and while he could send Ash to prison for what would be a short period of time a better solution be a sentence that allowed probation to work with the defendant to address the root causes of his offending.

Ash was sentenced to a two-year community order with a rehabilita­tion requiremen­t and must abide by a 9pm to 9am curfew for the next three months.

He will be on the sex offenders register for five years.

 ??  ?? Daniel Ash had previously said that he has ‘20 urges a day’.
Daniel Ash had previously said that he has ‘20 urges a day’.

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