South Wales Evening Post

Regular tests at comprehens­ives


REGULAR lateral flow tests will soon be offered to all pupils in comprehens­ive schools in Swansea now they have returned after the Easter break.

Previously, the tests were only available to older pupils but in line with Welsh Government guidance the offer is being extended.

Pupils will soon be able to collect test kits from their school so they can test themselves at home.

The kits will come with full instructio­ns and what to do when the test has been done. The purpose of the test is to identify whether a student has Covid-19 or is a carrier of the virus so that appropriat­e action can be taken.

It takes about 30 minutes to get a result.

The responsibi­lity for managing the taking and reporting of the tests is with parents and their children.

Swansea Council’s Director of Education Helen Morgan-rees said: “These tests continue to be part of a range of measures in place to help manage the transmissi­on of the virus.

“If a pupil choses to undertake the tests then it is really important that any positive results are reported and self-isolation requiremen­ts are met.”

Pupils in secondary schools have also been reminded they are required to wear a mask in school if they are unable to keep the required distance from others.

Masks must be threelayer­ed and pupils have been provided with three good quality masks that can be washed up to 50 times.

Mrs Morgan-rees is urging parents and pupils to help schools remain safe places by following all Covid-19 safety measures.

She said: “It is vital that our children and parents continue to adhere to all rules under our tier of restrictio­ns to enable further relaxing of rules.

“These include parents and carers keeping their distance when dropping off and collecting children. Please don’t gather in groups at the school gates and as tempting as it is don’t stop for a chat.

“I would also ask parents to make sure children are not mixing outside of school, including sleepovers or parties.

“Also please do not send your children to school if they are feeling unwell, even if they don’t have the main coronaviru­s symptoms.

“Schools are as safe as they can be so please continue to play your part in stopping the spread, figures keep on improving but it has not gone away.”

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