South Wales Evening Post

Putin critic Navalny moved to hospital


RUSSIAN opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is in the third week of a hunger strike behind bars, has been moved to hospital in another prison after his doctor said he could be near death, his lawyer said.

Mr Navalny was transferre­d on Sunday from a penal colony east of Moscow to a prison hospital in Vladimir, 110 miles east of the capital, lawyer Alexei Liptser said after visiting the politician yesterday.

“Yesterday he was really unwell. Given the test results and the overall state of his health, it was decided to transfer him here. In the evening, he became significan­tly worse,” Mr Liptser said.

Mr Navalny was able to meet him yesterday, but continued his hunger strike and “in general his look indicates he is really unwell”, the lawyer added.

Russia’s state penitentia­ry service FSIN did not report the decision to transfer Mr Navalny until yesterday morning and a statement it released said he had agreed to take vitamin therapy. Mr Liptser said he did not have enough time with his client to confirm that: “They were searching him ahead of our meeting longer than our meeting had lasted. He was outraged by this. Therefore, we couldn’t discuss anything, apart from what has happened to him.”

The prison service statement said Mr Navalny’s condition was deemed “satisfacto­ry”, but his physician, Dr Yaroslav Ashikhmin, said on Saturday that test results provided by the family showed Mr Navalny had sharply elevated levels of potassium, which can bring on cardiac arrest, as well as heightened creatinine levels that indicate impaired kidney function.

“Our patient could die at any moment,” he said in a Facebook post.

Reports about his rapidly declining health drew internatio­nal outrage and calls urging Russian authoritie­s to give adequate medical help to Mr Navalny, who is president Vladimir Putin’s fiercest opponent.

European Union foreign ministers were assessing the bloc’s strategy toward Russia after the news.

Mr Navalny was arrested in January on his return from Germany, where he had spent five months recovering from a nerve agent poisoning he blames on the Kremlin – an accusation Russian officials have rejected.

His arrest triggered massive protests across Russia, the biggest show of defiance in recent years. Soon after, a court ordered him to serve two and a half years in prison for a 2014 embezzleme­nt conviction that the European Court of Human Rights deemed to be “arbitrary and manifestly unreasonab­le”.

Mr Navalny began a hunger strike to protest against the refusal to let his doctors visit when he began experienci­ng severe back pain and a loss of feeling in his legs. The penitentia­ry service has said he was getting all the medical help he needed.

In response to the news about Mr Navalny’s health, his team has called for a nationwide rally tomorrow, the day Mr Putin is due to deliver his annual state of the nation address.

Demonstrat­ions are being planned in at least 77 Russian cities.

The interior ministry urged Russians not to take part in unauthoris­ed rallies, citing coronaviru­s risks and alleging some “destructiv­e-minded” participan­ts might provoke unrest.

 ??  ?? Alexei Navalny is in the third week of a hunger strike
Alexei Navalny is in the third week of a hunger strike

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