South Wales Evening Post

Study suggests third wave of virus ‘not inevitable’


A THIRD wave of coronaviru­s across the UK is not inevitable, according to a new paper from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI).

Vaccinatin­g adolescent­s could prevent a resurgence of the virus later in the year, while speeding up the pace of vaccine rollout to offer all eligible people a first dose would most likely prevent a summer spike, it said.

The study argues that if vaccine rollout cannot be accelerate­d back to March levels, then the UK Government should consider delaying step four of the road map – releasing all limits on social contact, currently set for June 21 – by a month. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told the public to expect a third wave of coronaviru­s, with scientists saying it will hit the unvaccinat­ed and those for whom vaccines do not work perfectly.

Modelling for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s (Sage) says the third wave may be as high as previous waves, with up to 40,000 further deaths, though chief Government scientists have since said that is unlikely. They believe a further wave of cases will now come closer to the autumn, when measures may need to be tightened again.

The new report from the TBI said there “remains a lot of uncertaint­y about the path of the virus over the coming months”.

But it argues that the vaccinatio­n programme should be extended to adolescent­s, as planned in Israel and the US, with further vaccinatio­n critical to taking the population towards herd immunity.

The report also says that a 65:35 split in use between Astrazenec­a and Pfizer/moderna could save lives compared to the modelling set out in Sage, although real-word data shows similar efficacy for the vaccines.

Ian Mulheirn, UK policy director at the TBI, said: “The Government has the power to stop a deadly third wave of the virus by expanding the vaccinatio­n programme to adolescent­s and bringing the final step of the easing of the road map into line with the vaccine rollout timetable.”

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