South Wales Evening Post

Social distance rule ‘to end next month’


THERE is a “good chance” the one-metre plus rule for social distancing can be ditched next month, Boris Johnson said.

The final decision on whether the change can be brought in from June 21 will depend on the data, the Prime Minister added.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock, meanwhile, expressed certainty over a “great British summer” ahead as he confirmed that a total of 50 million Covid-19 jabs have been given out across the UK.

The Government said one further person had died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 as of yesterday.

Mr Johnson said he feels like the next stage of reopening on May 17 – which covers indoor hospitalit­y, entertainm­ent and possibly foreign travel – “is going to be good”.

Industry chiefs described a return to unrestrict­ed trading for hospitalit­y from June 21 as “vital” and “critical”.

Their comments came as The Times reported social distancing rules will be lifted to allow pubs, restaurant­s and theatres to open to full capacity for the first time in more than a year. One-way systems, screens and mask-wearing while moving

around might remain for hospitalit­y venues but customer numbers will no longer be limited, the newspaper said.

Audiences in theatres and cinemas will have to wear face coverings during performanc­es.

Speaking during a campaign visit to Hartlepool, Mr Johnson told reporters: “As things stand, and the way things are going, with the vaccine rollout going the way that it is – we have done 50 million jabs as I speak to you today.

“That’s a quarter of the adult population, and one in four have had two jabs. You are seeing the results of that really starting to show up in the epidemiolo­gy. I think that we will be able to go ahead, it feels like May 17 is going to be good.

“But it also looks to me as though on June 21 we’ll be able to say social distancing as we currently have to do it, the one-metre plus, I think we have got a good chance of being able to dispense with the one-metre plus from June 21.

“That is still dependent on the data, we can’t say it categorica­lly yet, we have got to look at the epidemiolo­gy as we progress, we have got to look at where we get to with the disease. But that’s what it feels like to me right now.”

In a video posted on Twitter, Mr Hancock said: “Seems like only yesterday that Margaret Keenan was getting the first clinically authorised vaccine in the world and now we’ve delivered 50 million.

“And this is so important of course because it is a life-saving vaccine that helps protect you, helps protect those around you, and it is our route out of this pandemic. And it’s because of the vaccinatio­n programme that we’re able to keep going down this road map, and I know we’re going to have a great British summer.”

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson in Hartlepool yesterday
Boris Johnson in Hartlepool yesterday

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