South Wales Evening Post

India’s government slammed over surge


INDIA has recorded 368,147 new coronaviru­s cases and 3,417 deaths as a catastroph­ic surge sweeps through the country.

The latest numbers came after leaders of 13 opposition parties urged the government to launch a free vaccinatio­n drive and ensure uninterrup­ted flow of oxygen to all hospitals.

Several hospital authoritie­s over the weekend sought court interventi­on over oxygen supplies in New Delhi, where a lockdown has been extended by a week in an attempt to contain the wave of infections.

“Water has gone above the head. Enough is enough,” said the New Delhi High Court, adding it would start punishing government officials if supplies of oxygen allocated to hospitals are not delivered.

Yesterday, 24 Covid-19 patients died at a government-run hospital in the southern state of Karnataka amid reports of an oxygen shortage.

It was unclear how many died due to a lack of oxygen, but the chief minister ordered a probe into the incident.

Prime minister Narendra Modi’s government has been severely criticised over its handling of the surge, which has pushed India’s already fragile and underfunde­d health system to the brink.

Massive election rallies organised by his Bharatiya Janata Party and other parties as well as a giant Hindu festival on the banks of the Ganges may have exacerbate­d the spread, experts said, adding that new variants could also be increasing cases.

Mr Modi’s party suffered a resounding weekend election defeat in a key state, West Bengal, failing to dislodge its firebrand chief minister Mamata Banerjee.

It retained power in north-eastern Assam state, but lost in two southern states.

While the four states were already stiff election challenges for Mr Modi’s party apart from the pandemic, analysts said the results weaken his position as surging infections cripple the already fragile health system.

India has confirmed 19.9 million Covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, behind only the US, which has counted more than 32.4 million. More than 218,000 people in India have died, according to the Health Ministry.

Both figures are thought to be vast undercount­s.

India opened its vaccinatio­n campaign to people aged 18-44 on Saturday, a mammoth task undermined by limited supplies.

The country is the world’s biggest producer of vaccines, but even the ongoing effort to inoculate people above 45 is stuttering.

 ??  ?? Indian PM Narendra Modi is under pressure
Indian PM Narendra Modi is under pressure

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