South Wales Evening Post

Survey reveals teaching pressure


THE impact of Covid on staff in Wales’ schools and colleges is highlighte­d in a national survey of more than 78,000 education profession­als.

There are worries about safety at work, workload and the effect of the pandemic on teaching. More than a quarter of school leaders are considerin­g leaving.

The survey by the Education Workforce Council is the largest of its kind and for the first time now includes youth workers and workplace learning staff.

Conducted alongside the Welsh Government, trade unions and employers between January and May this year, the survey sought views of staff in schools, further education, work-based learning and youth work.

While most reported feeling secure in their jobs during the pandemic the survey paints a picture of long hours, worries about safety and feelings of not being prepared for changes.

Full-time school teachers report regularly working 56-hour weeks, or 24 hours more than they are contracted to do; 45% of teachers said remote and blended learning increased workload; 69% of school teachers said they are concerned about the impact Covid has had on their wellbeing and safety at work.

Seven in 10 teachers, senior leaders and learning support staff said the pandemic has affected their wellbeing and they are “fairly or very” concerned about their own health or that of those close to them. Six in 10 FE teachers and school and college support workers are worried about safety and wellbeing at work. 58.8% of youth workers said they were either not very concerned or not concerned at all about work safety and wellbeing in the pandemic.

There were fewer worries about the impact of the pandemic on teaching and delivering changes such as the new curriculum and ALN Bill. This ranged from 32.7% of school leaders saying they were fairly anxious or concerned about this to 44.7% of FE learning support workers.

Although 45% of teachers said blended and remote learning had increased their workload most saw benefits to it.

Staff at all levels reported an increased workload since the last EWC survey in 2016 and work based learning staff and youth workers were least confident their jobs were secure.

Seven in 10 school teachers and more than six in 10 school and college leaders said they cannot effectivel­y manage their workload within the agreed hours. Full time school and college teachers and leaders regularly work more than 50 hours a week.

On the new curriculum, coming in next year, only half of the 758 school leaders responding felt prepared to deliver it and only 38% believed their staff were ready to do so.

On a brighter note there was optimism among respondent­s overall about their future in the profession.

Responding to the findings Hayden Llewellyn, EWC Chief Executive, said: “These results lift the lid on many of the profession­al challenges faced by staff across the whole of the education workforce in Wales.”

David Evans, Wales Secretary of the National Education Union Cymru, said it was vital to have an understand­ing of the pressures teachers face on a daily basis.

“Most important now is how we react to the findings of the survey,” he said.

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