South Wales Evening Post

New EU proposals over NI Protocol


THE EU is preparing to table new proposals on the Northern Ireland Protocol by the “middle of next week”, Maros Sefcovic has said.

The European Commission vicepresid­ent said he hopes to brief the UK Government on the “very farreachin­g” proposals within the next fortnight, before intensive discussion­s throughout the rest October and November.

The proposals will focus on animal checks (SPS), customs, medicine supplies and providing a voice for Northern Irish representa­tives in the EU.

Mr Sefcovic told a virtual meeting in Dublin: “What we are discussing right now is where we would like to put the final touches hopefully by the middle of next week.

“It’s a very simple proposal but from our perspectiv­e these would be really, I would say, very farreachin­g proposals.

“I sincerely hope that it will be seen as such by our UK counterpar­ts and they engage constructi­vely in our discussion, because I think we have to move from the tough political rhetoric, from the threats we hear all the time, down to the business that actually solves the problems.”

He added: “I think it is the best interest of both of us that we will try to find a reasonable solution before the end of the year, early next year.”

Mr Sefcovic said there was a “political risk” attached to the proposals, if the UK Government were to accept them and then proceed with its threats to take what is seen to be the “nuclear option” of triggering Article 16 of the protocol.

This option was mooted by Brexit negotiator Lord David Frost at the Conservati­ve party conference this week.

Such a move would effectivel­y tear up parts of the deal to avoid a hard border with Ireland, which was negotiated with the EU last December.

The vice president said this question had been raised by member states and in the European Parliament.

“These threats are definitely not helping,” he told the Irish Institute of European Affairs (IIEA).

“We want simply to make sure that from our side, we will demonstrat­e to the people of Northern Ireland, to the people of Ireland that we in the European Commission are willing to do everything possible within the framework which is agreed and ratified, to solve the practical issues on the table.

“We want Northern Ireland to benefit from the access to the biggest trading block in the world. We want to make sure that there will be no hard border.”

He added: “The protocol is not the problem. On the contrary, it is the only solution we have.

“Failing to apply it will not make problems disappear, but simply take away the tools to solve them.”

Mr Sefcovic said the EU’S proposals would not be “take it or leave it”.

But he added: “We will put it on the table and if for some other reasons – I’m not going to speculate what they might be – this is rejected, then indeed we have a problem.

“I hope that we will avoid it, because we are approachin­g this from the beginning in a good place.”

 ?? ?? Maros Sefcovic
Maros Sefcovic

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