South Wales Evening Post

On life’s little incidents

- Sharon Lloyd

It seems the whole world had a bit of a crisis this week as several social media platforms shuddered to a halt for almost six hours. I don’t do Instagram, so that didn’t affect me, but not having Facebook or Whatsapp was quite a challenge! We’ve become so used to having these ways of communicat­ion at the tips of our fingers, that to suddenly see them vanish caused quite a stir. Like many other people I switched my phone on and off several times assuming that was the problem. I knew my wi-fi was working as I was still able to get certain things online, but it puzzled me that my Facebook feed wasn’t updating and everything seemed to be frozen in time.

I checked my Whatsapp, which I rely on to have a group chat with several friends at once only to find that was also at a standstill. Oh crikey! As the evening progressed with little or no change it made me wonder just how we managed before these forms of communicat­ion. I remain a lover of handwritte­n letters in the post, but the turnaround time with this method is quite prehistori­c and pigeon post would probably be faster. Emails don’t always get the quick response you sometimes need, and I often struggle to upload a picture in a text message.

I know several people who refuse to go on Facebook and are very wary of it, but I’ve been using it for many years and think it’s a fabulous way of keeping in contact with friends and family whilst also following pages related to my hobbies and interests. I think I’d be quite lost without that contact. Is that a good or a bad thing? I suppose it depends on how you use it. I’m in touch with people I wouldn’t normally phone up for a chat but instead we have regular light hearted banter online which often brightens up my day. I avoid the political debates, conspiracy theories and just scroll past any nonsense.

I confess that I was one of the very many who breathed a huge sigh of relief as the problem was sorted and realise just how much I appreciate this bit of technology. I won’t be rushing out to buy a notepad, envelopes and stamps any day soon.

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