South Wales Evening Post

Tis the season for recycling


HOUSEHOLDS in Swansea can recycle more Christmas waste than ever this festive season.

Glitter-free wrapping paper that’s stays scrunched in a ball can go in the green bag with paper and card once again this year rather than join the black bag waste destined for landfill.

On top of that plain Christmas cards, turkey carcasses and chopped-up real Christmas trees can also go for kerbside recycling.

Residents are reminded to recycle as much as possible and to only put non-recyclable waste in their black bags over the festive season.

Recycling and waste collection dates across Swansea will change to take account of the festive season, but the council is ready to collect heaps of recycling throughout Christmas and New Year.

Cllr Mark Thomas, cabinet member for environmen­t enhancemen­t and infrastruc­ture management, said: “Wrapping paper comes in many different types of material – some of which contains plastic or is covered in glitter. This is the reason why we have not accepted wrapping paper in recycling in some previous years.

“But if the wrapping paper tears easily and stays scrunched in a ball then it is fine to put in your green bag. If it has glitter on it or springs back when scrunched up then it is not suitable for recycling and will need to go in black bag waste.”

As well as changes to kerbside collection­s, the council’s busy recycling centres will also have changed opening dates and times, so visitors are reminded to check the details before loading up their cars.

A full list of Christmas collection dates can be found at www.swansea.­olidays

Full guidance on Christmas waste and recycling can be found at www.­ecycling

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