South Wales Evening Post

Could that pesky cold be hay fever?



STRUGGLING to shift a stubborn cold again? Wondering why your eyes are also feeling irritated, along with endless sniffles?

If this sounds familiar, it might be that you don’t actually have a cold at all, but hay fever is causing your symptoms – especially now we’re well into spring.

Symptoms can overlap but it’s helpful to know which one you’ve got, so you can manage it appropriat­ely.

How do you spot the difference?

Firstly, they’re caused by different things. Colds are caused by a virus that’s spread from one infected person to another. Hay fever, meanwhile, is not contagious, as it’s an allergic reaction some people have to pollen.

“Pollen is a fine dust that disperses in the wind to reach other plants for pollinatio­n and start new plants,” explains Claire Nevinson, Boots superinten­dent pharmacist.

“Tree pollen counts are highest between late March and mid-may, while grass and weed pollen counts are highest between mid-may and September. If you have hay fever, you’re likely to experience symptoms when the pollen count is high.”

Timing may be a clue

Noticing patterns with the timing of your symptoms can also help indicate whether it’s hay fever. Do symptoms appear during pollen season, and get when worse you go outside?

However, viruses are still around during spring and summer, so the time of year doesn’t rule out a cold entirely, although Claire points out they are usually accompanie­d by sneezing and coughing, sore throat, headache and sometimes a loss of taste and smell.

Symptoms to look out for

Many of the symptoms can be similar, but there are also tell-tale difference­s between a cold and hay fever. “Hay fever doesn’t cause a high temperatur­e,” says Claire, “and most people do not feel unwell.”

Some people’s hay fever can be quite severe though, so how badly affected you are can vary. Another key indicator is duration of symptoms.

“A cold usually lasts one to two weeks, while hay fever can last for weeks or even months, depending on the pollen count,” notes Claire.

The key symptoms of hay fever, Claire adds, include: “Sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy red watery eyes or an itchy throat.”

Coughs are generally more associated with colds than hay fever, as well as general aches and pain, possibly a fever and a sore throat.

Both colds and hay fever cause runny nose and sneezing. Both can also cause people to feel more tired and fatigued than usual.

But with hay fever, you are also likely to experience itchy, red and watery eyes, Claire points out.

How should you treat them?

There’s no cure for the common cold, so here it’s about symptom management.

“For a cold, you should rest and drink plenty of fluids,” says Claire. “You could also consider taking a cold symptom relief product – these often include medicine for pain relief to help with aches, alongside a decongesta­nt to help ease a blocked nose. If the product contains paracetamo­l, make sure you don’t take any other paracetamo­l-containing products at the same time.”

With hay fever, taking a few steps to help keep pollen at bay is also key.

“Consider putting a barrier balm, such as petroleum jelly, around the nostrils to trap pollen, and wear wraparound sunglasses to help keep pollen out of your eyes,” suggests Claire.

“There are a range of hay fever relief products available – from tablets to nasal sprays.”

If over-the-counter remedies are not helping, check in with your GP, as some people may need more support with managing allergies.

Boots also offers an Online Doctor Hayfever Treatment service, Claire adds. Your local pharmacist­s can also advise on treatments if you are unsure.

 ?? ?? Is your cold worse when you go outside?
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Is your cold worse when you go outside? Wraparound shades could keep pollen at bay
 ?? ?? Claire Nevinson
Claire Nevinson

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