Southport Visiter

Fraudster cons man, 65, out of thousands

- BY GEORGINA STUBBS georgina.stubbs@trinitymir­ @georginafs­tubbs

DETECTIVES want help in tracing a man after a Southport resident was tricked out of thousands of pounds.

Officers believe 21-yearold Adam Holden could have informatio­n about the incident that happened on Kingston Crescent on January 10.

The 65-year-old victim was doing some work on his computer when at around 9am a man knocked at his front door.

The caller was dressed like a workman in blue overalls and a yellow, fluorescen­t jacket and told the homeowner that some of the tiles on his roof needed repairing.

The victim agreed to let the man take a closer look and, after being told that the work definitely needed doing, agreed to go with the man to his bank to withdraw money to pay for the work up front.

The homeowner could only withdraw around half the money that he had agreed to pay, so the man returned two days later and again, took him to the bank where he withdraw a second sum of money.

The offender took his victim home and promised to return in a few hours – but he never did.

Sefton detectives are now treating the incident as a fraud by deception and are keen to hear from anyone who has any informatio­n about the incident.

Detective Constable Jamie Dean said: “The victim has lost several thousands of pounds, simply because he trusted the word of a man who appeared to be quite convincing as a workman but turned out to be nothing of the sort.

“The offender persuaded the victim that repair work needed to be done to his roof tiles and quoted a figure of thousands of pounds.

“He then encouraged him to withdraw the money there and then to pay up front but ultimately failed to carry out the agreed work.

“The victim is devastated, as anyone would be, and we are doing everything possible to bring the offender to justice.

“I am keen to hear from anyone who might have informatio­n about this type of offence happening in the Southport area recently.

“I am particular­ly keen to speak to Adam Holden or anyone who knows him as I believe that he could have informatio­n that could help my inquiries into this incident.”

Mr Holden is believed to have links to Elton near Chester as well as Merseyside.

If you have any informatio­n about the incident call Sefton CID on 0151 777 3835 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

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