Southport Visiter

We are proud of our Heroes


HERE at the Visiter, we love our heroes.

For over 170 years, we have been sharing stories of the amazing people in our communitie­s across Southport.

But then it’s what local newspapers should be all about. Being proud of the great people who go out of their way to help others, and to make our area better for all.

That is why we are delighted to today publish a four-page special on the people honoured at this year’s Your Heroes. It could have been a 44-page pullout.

We never cease to be amazed at those nominated for honours. This year we had everything: a teenager who saved a woman from drowning; a World War II hero doing his first skydive aged 92; a brave two-year-old who defied doctors’s prediction­s that she would never walk; a mum who fundraised for the neo-natal unit that helped her son; a toddler who battled cancer with a smile; a milkman who saved a pensioner’s life.

And of course we were inundated with nomination­s for brave Millie Heaton’s incredible family.

They did so much to fight to save her, they have campaigned hard to raise awareness of children suffering with cancer. And now they are battling to create a memorial park in her memory, which would benefit everyone in our community.

It really is a privilege to be able to share their stories with you today.

So please keep in touch. We our proud of our community, and the people who do such great things in it.

So please keep sharing stories like this with us.

To all of you who won a Your Heroes award this year – we salute you.

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