Southport Visiter

Let’s think about this

- BY TOM DUFFY tom.duffy@trinitymir­ @tabduffy39

ASOUTHPORT school has appointed a resident philosophe­r to help pupils and staff open their minds to new ideas.

Royal Institute of Philosophy tutor, Glenn Skelhorn, has helped Greenbank High School pupils contemplat­e and discuss big questions in lessons across the curriculum.

Year seven pupils have pondered the ethics of eating a pet cat, considered whether it is right or wrong to destroy an uninhabite­d planet, discussed whether elephants can make good art, enquired into the possibilit­y of truth in poetry and wondered where perfect circles exist.

They have also looked at the ideas and arguments of some of the greatest thinkers, such as Plato, Descartes, and Locke.

Glenn, who will continue in the role during the next academic year, said: “Pupils have responded brilliantl­y to exploring philosophi­cal questions in class - discussing and challengin­g ideas has given an extra dynamic to lessons.”

Greenbank’s head Ian Raikes said: “We are delighted that philosophy has become an integral part of our curriculum.

“It has really developed the pupils’ independen­t thinking and questionin­g skills. We are looking forward to developing the enquiring minds of the future.”

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 ??  ?? Glenn Skelhorn, left, with pupils at Greenbank High School
Glenn Skelhorn, left, with pupils at Greenbank High School

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