Southport Visiter

Cadet scheme earns citizen award honour


CADET Sergeant Daniel Monoghan from Southport Detachment Army Cadets recently completed The National Citizen Service qualificat­ion. The National Citizen Service (NCS) is nationally recognised and aimed at young people Aged 15-17.

The project was run by the Sea Cadets who offered the opportunit­y to participat­e to the Army Cadets. The team were supported and helped by Merseyside Cadet Force adult volunteer Andy Cheetham.

Rucksacks 4 Veterans was a project created by Daniel and the team.

The cadets’ aim was to raise enough money to make more than 20 aid bags that would be equipped with warm clothes, blankets, food and water, simple items that would make a difference to someone living on the streets – a task they quickly completed.

Then in December the group of supervised young people took to the streets of Liverpool in search of homeless veterans to help.

Later that month Colour Sergeant Instructor Andy Cheetham and Daniel travelled to London with the Sea Cadets and their instructor­s for the Graduation Ceremony, held at Trinity House by the Tower of London.

Cadet Sergeant Monoghan said: “NCS is a life-changing experience and helping others was the key for me to decide to do it... representi­ng the Army Cadets from all the country at the event was an amazing privilege.”

 ??  ?? Colour Sergeant Instructor Andy Cheetham and Cadet Sergeant Daniel Monoghan
Colour Sergeant Instructor Andy Cheetham and Cadet Sergeant Daniel Monoghan

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