Southport Visiter

Pop goes a snowdrop


ABIT of a cold snap this week gave hints that our unseasonab­ly mild winter weather may be coming to an end. However, we do have some consolatio­n as the tiniest of plant bulbs are bursting into life.

The early year colour from bulbs creates hope that spring can’t be too far away and a new gardening year has begun.

So how delightful it was when I spotted an arc of yellow crocus and some snowdrops peeping through a lawn this week.

Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are one of the earliest plant bulbs to grace us with their presence during the winter time. It’s amazing that these wonderfull­y delicate flowers will last longer in much colder temperatur­es, some right up until March. The evolution of sharp, hardened leaf tips ensures that the plant can effectivel­y break through frozen ground in winter.

For me, the sight of the silvery green strap leaves pushing their way out of the grass is something I never tire of, and they look even more romantic peeking out of a snowy scene.

The snowdrop is often thought of as native to the British Isles, but it is now accepted to be a species that was introduced from areas of Europe as well as Asia and Russia.

It has since naturalise­d throughout the UK, having been recorded in cultivatio­n during the 16th century, and eventually being spotted growing wild in the late 18th century.

Since this time, the snowdrop has establishe­d itself throughout woodlands, gardens, churchyard­s, grasslands and parks. Having survived for over two centuries in such numbers makes it a truly naturalise­d species on our lands.

So how best to grow them in our gardens?

Snowdrops thrive in light shade under deciduous trees or shrubs, making beautiful companions for cyclamen and hellebores, although they can be grown in containers if re-potted annually.

As with most bulbs, snowdrops require well-drained soil, but this shouldn’t be allowed to dry out in summer. The ideal soil conditions replicate their natural woodland habitat: humus-rich and slightly moisture-retentive. When preparing your planting site, add plenty of organic matter.

Snowdrops don’t establish themselves successful­ly when planted as dry bulbs. Specialist nurseries tend to supply them with the plants still in full leaf (called ‘in the green’), with the bulb wrapped to preserve moisture. When buying bulbs, check with the supplier how long the plants have been out of the ground, and ensure the bulbs aren’t soft or wilting.

When planting single bulbs, add some sharp sand for drainage and label the plant – especially if it’s an unusual variety. This will also remind you where your snowdrops are once they’re dormant!

Once establishe­d, your snowdrop colony should go forth and multiply of its own accord. It’s best to divide clumps every three years, particular­ly when growing cultivars, to avoid overcrowdi­ng. Clumps of snowdrops repeated around the garden in winter make a lovely feature.

To transplant snowdrops to other parts of your garden, lift plants that are ‘in the green’ after flowering, when the soil is moist. Carefully tease the clumps of bulbs apart by hand, trying to avoid damage to the roots.

It’s best to replant the bulbs singly, spacing each one at least two bulb widths apart. However, where large clumps include small seedlings, replant the bulbs in small clusters, spreading the roots out well, and water in.

If growing snowdrops in containers, re-pot in July or August when the plants are dormant, using fresh compost. Don’t use strong fertiliser­s or manure-based compost; leaf mould is preferable and more similar to what they would encounter in their natural, shady, woodland environmen­t.

 ??  ?? Strap leaves help the snowdrop break through hard ground
Strap leaves help the snowdrop break through hard ground
 ??  ?? Cyclamen
 ??  ?? Hellebores

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