Southport Visiter

Nuisance who stalked former partner jailed for 10 months

- BY ALAN WESTON @SeftonEcho

AN “OBSESSED” man conducted a stalking campaign against a woman, after she ended their brief relationsh­ip.

Wojciech Puciato would turn up at the woman’s Southport home in the small hours of the morning, hammering on the windows and demanding to see her.

On one occasion, he confronted her in the street and called her “a b **** ” to her face.

The victim, Patrycja Hadrys, eventually contacted police as the harassment threatened to escalate.

Puciato, 29, of no fixed abode, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court last week to be sentenced after pleading guilty to harassment, and a separate charge of burglary of a dwelling.

He was already on bail for throwing a brick through the stalking victim’s window when the burglary occurred.

Puciato, whose left arm was in a sling, had a Polish interprete­r present throughout to relay proceeding­s to him.

Michael Stephenson, prosecutin­g, said Puciato had been in a brief relationsh­ip with the woman, which she ended because she felt “harassed” by him.

Puciato then began making persistent, nuisance calls to her from phone boxes, as well as calling at her address “to talk”, which happened on around 20 different occasions, usually between the hours of 2am and 4am.

Mr Stephenson said: “He told the woman it wasn’t his fault, it was because he was obsessed about her.

“On one occasion, he made a direct approach to her while she was walking in the street in Southport, and called her a b **** to her face.”

The calls from Puciato continued even while police were at Ms Hadrys’ home to take down details of her complaint.

Unbelievab­ly, despite being told by an officer to stop contacting her, he rang again 15 minutes later.

On that occasion, he was advised to attend Southport police station, which he did within 30 minutes, and was arrested.

In her victim impact statement, Ms Hadrys said the harassment had caused her a “lot of stress”.

She added: “I was getting scared of going to bed every night in case he turned up, and what he would do if he did turn up.

“Sometimes he would turn up twice in one night.

“I had to stay at home because I didn’t feel safe going out in the evenings.”

On the separate burglary matter, Mr Stephenson said Puciato gained entry to a house in Willow Grove, Southport, by smashing a back window with his elbow.

He was confronted by the owner, who had been called by a worried neighbour who had heard “a lot of banging” at the property, which was undergoing renovation.

When Puciato was later searched, he was found to have stolen an old phone, along with an Xbox console, controller and game, from the property.

Stuart Nolan, defending, asked the judge to take into account that Puciato had accepted responsibi­lity for his actions by his guilty pleas.

Judge Denis Watson, QC, told Puciato that the allegation of stalking he faced in court was a serious one.

Judge Watson said: “You carried out what I consider to be a campaign of harassment, which was aggravated by a previous conviction for putting a brick through Miss Hadrys’ window.

“You made her life a misery.”

He jailed Puciato for a total of 10 months.

In addition, he imposed a restrainin­g order, preventing Puciato from approachin­g or contacting the victim, for seven years.

 ??  ?? Wojciech Puciato – jailed for ten months after a campaign of harassment against a woman who ended their brief relationsh­ip together
Wojciech Puciato – jailed for ten months after a campaign of harassment against a woman who ended their brief relationsh­ip together

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