Southport Visiter

Ditch the plastic and net a discount


AWELL known shop owner is urging customers to ditch the plastic and become more environmen­tally friendly.

Kevin Peet, who owns Peets Plaice fish shop in Southport, has seen the damage done in the oceans first hand.

As a keen fisherman, he is saddened by the waste and discarded plastic he sees sometimes while fishing off the coast of Southport.

And on Wednesday, February 26 he is putting his money where his mouth is by holding a Plastic Free Day, offering a 10% discount to any shopper bringing their own containers to buy fish or seafood.

Kevin, whose shop is in Cambridge Road in Churchtown, said: “People have been coming into our shop recently saying they have been into fish shops down South where they encourage customers to call in with their own containers to take away their produce, in a bid to combat plastic waste.

“It sounds like a really good idea.

“We are going to try it out on Wednesday, February 26, and if we get a good response, then we can look at bringing it back again in the future.”

As someone who has enjoyed fishing off the coast for the past 40 years, Kevin is distraught to see the damage that plastic in our oceans is causing.

He said: “Plastic needs to go. Sadly, I see a lot of it in the sea off Southport, and elsewhere.

“If the tide is up in the North West, then the plastic comes across here from Blackpool. Everyone is trying to clean up their act and we all need to do our own little bit.”

Kevin, who ran a shop in Southport Market before his move to Churchtown, stocks a wide variety of fish and seafood – including Southport’s famous potted shrimps, caught and potted off the resort’s coastline.

The businessma­n also presents a weekly show 6-8pm every Sunday on local Mighty Radio on 107.9FM.

 ??  ?? Kevin’s shop, Peets Plaice, has a wide range of fish and seafood on sale
Kevin’s shop, Peets Plaice, has a wide range of fish and seafood on sale
 ??  ?? Kevin Peet is offering a 10 % discount
Kevin Peet is offering a 10 % discount
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