Southport Visiter

It’s all change at the Light Railway


IT HAS been ‘All Change’ on the West Lancashire Light Railway.

Not long after celebratin­g its 50th anniversar­y, the railway in Station Road, Hesketh Bank, raised enough money to buy the land it occupies and to hold back the tide of new houses.

Then, along with the rest of the country, the project suffered Covid-19 and lockdown, forcing it to close down at least temporaril­y.

This could have brought about the end of the railway.

Instead supporters have re-imagined it and now it is open again, operating steam trains much as before, but with a timetable and procedures devised to safeguard visitors and members and with new toilet and parking facilities.

Also new is Waiting Room, intended to provide space for educationa­l activities.

Soon to follow will be an Access for All coach, built on site thanks to a generous donation that will enable the project to accommodat­e wheelchair­s, pushchairs and family groups.

Secure accommodat­ion for bicycles will also be made available shortly.

In spite of all these changes, the heart and purpose of the railway will remain very much as it has always been, friendly and human scale, capturing the atmosphere of the narrow gauge, small but authentic.

It is enjoyed by local people and by visitors including railway enthusiast­s from all over the world.

The quality of the railway was recently confirmed by conferment of the Heritage Railway Associatio­n Small Groups award for 2020.

The railway reopened on August 16 and will be open on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

For future plans, including ghost trains at Hallowe’en and Santa’s traditiona­l visits in December, visit wwwwestlan­csrailway. org.

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