Southport Visiter

Hunters chicken casserole


WHOLESOME and nutritious, this extremely tasty rustic style chicken casserole is a perfect protein rich meal to please all the family.


One uncooked chicken or chicken pieces

150g shallot onions

250g streaky bacon, chopped 30g butter

Olive oil

Six cloves of garlic, peeled 300ml rich red wine such as Chianti

2 tbsp of tomato puree

1 tbsp plain (wholemeal) flour 500ml chicken stock

300g full flavoured mushrooms

5 large vine tomatoes, halved

Handful of herbs such as tarragon and rosemary Salt and pepper Tin foil Your will need a large non-stick oven tray, approximat­ely 3 inches deep


Cut the chicken in half and cut each half into four, giving you eight meaty chicken portions – discard the carcass.

Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large frying pan or wok and fry the chicken pieces for around 10 minutes turning continuous­ly. When browned transfer to your oven tray and set aside.

Peel and cut in half the shallots and sauté in butter with the bacon and garlic. When the bacon is crispy add these ingredient­s to the oven tray containing the chicken. Meanwhile heat the stock in a pan, reserve once hot.

Place the oven tray on your cooker top. Add the tomato puree and red wine and bring to a boil, then reduce on a low heat for 10 minutes. Stir in the flour, tomatoes and roughly broken up mushrooms followed by the hot stock to cover the chicken, add the herbs and season. Cover the tray with tin foil and carefully place in the middle of a hot oven for 35-40 minutes, regularly check the casserole and top up with the remaining stock as necessary. Serve with mash and vegetables of your choice. Enjoy!

Lesley is studying nutrition & health at Edge Hill University and with husband Roberto owns Roberto’s Italian on Southport’s Ocean Plaza. For more of her recipes go to: robertosso­uthport or www. robertosit­

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