Southport Visiter

Sweets and cash bribes for sex acts

- BY JAMIE LOPEZ @jamie_lopez1

AMAN groomed a young girl into performing sexual acts on him in exchange for gifts and money.

Anthony Bloor, 30, gave the child sweets and cash in exchange for keeping quiet about his sexual abuse.

Bloor gained the victim’s trust and convinced her to touch his penis before escalating the abuse over a perverted two year campaign

As the sick behaviour progressed in Southport, he convinced her to wear a school skirt and then little clothing or no underwear so that he could touch her more easily.

On two occasions, he showed her pornograph­y to convince her that the behaviour was normal and to give her tips on what to do.

Prosecutin­g, David Toal explained that Bloor sent coded messages to the girl asking for help or a favour when he wanted to abuse her.

He convinced her to delete messages they exchanged but was eventually caught out when texts were found on his phone.

After being arrested, he denied the accusation­s and attempted to blame his victim, saying she had acted provocativ­ely towards him and made him feel uncomforta­ble.

Bloor, now of Brentwood Close, St Helens, continued to deny the charges and forced the young girl to give evidence at Liverpool Crown Court, where he was found guilty after a seven day trial.

In a victim impact statement, the girl’s family explained that she had been robbed of her innocence, no longer felt safe at home and feared going out in case she bumped into him.

Sentencing Bloor

to 15 years in prison, Judge Louise Brandon told him: “She has had suicidal feelings. It has affected her schoolwork, it has isolated her from her friends.

“She feels the weight of what you have done.

“She is fearful to go out in case she sees you. I hope she feels some comfort from what happens today.

“She is a brave and inspiring young girl. You on the other hand lied and lied and lied.”

 ??  ?? ● Anthony Bloor – sentenced to up to 15 years in jail
● Anthony Bloor – sentenced to up to 15 years in jail

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