Southport Visiter

Man admits assault on teenage boy after party


A MAN has been spared jail after sexually assaulting a schoolboy following a party in Southport.

David Spellman, 51, touched the boy’s genitalia after a “very excessive heavy drink session”.

Liverpool Crown Court was told Spellman was a “nuisance” to other guests during the celebratio­ns.

Jonathan Lowe, prosecutin­g, said: “The defendant consumed quite a large amount of alcohol and was described as being a nuisance.”

Mr Lowe told the court Spellman could be heard making inappropri­ate comments about other men.

After the party, Spellman, of Brancker Street, Chorley, then sexually assaulted the young teenage boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

During police interview, Spellman claimed he “couldn’t really remember” the comments he made to people at the party, nor the events that followed.

However, at a later crown court hearing, he pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual activity with a boy.

The court was told that after the incident the boy experience­d “anxiety and confusion”.

Spellman has one previous conviction, for drink driving, in 2009.

Lucy Wright, defending, told the court he is “genuinely remorseful” and “truly devastated by his behaviour” and the effect “it will have on the boy’s life”.

She said: “He’s been a decent hard-working man.

“He was caring for his terminally ill father, had lost sister two years ago and has been the glue that held his family together.”

Ms Wright explained that his family have supported him throughout proceeding­s.

She told the court that the root cause of the offending stemmed from his excessive drinking, and since proceeding­s, he has sought help from his GP.

Spellman has also taken steps to address his depression and anxiety, the court was told.

Ms Wright asked the judge to take into account Spellman’s guilty plea, the impact of the coronaviru­s pandemic in prisons and his remorse, citing that he realised he had made an “utterly terrible” mistake.

Judge Robert TrevorJone­s, sentencing, took into account that Spellman is in full-time employment, a “stable relationsh­ip” and has sought help for his alcohol misuse.

The judge also acknowledg­ed he is a part-time carer for his father and said there is a “reasonable prospect of rehabilita­tion” for Spellman.

The judge ordered Spellman to a 22-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months. He was also ordered to complete 10 Rehabilita­tion Activity Requiremen­ts and the Horizon programme.

Spellman must also sign the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.

 ??  ?? ● David Spellman, left, outside Liverpool Crown Court
● David Spellman, left, outside Liverpool Crown Court

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