Southport Visiter

Mum left emotional after response to kind gesture


AMUM from Southport was brought to tears after reading a message left on her family car.

Chantelle Hechter was having a meal with her partner, Anthony White, and their daughter, Harper, at the Richmond in Southport when the manager told her someone had hit their car.

The 27-year-old ran out to the car park to find a woman and her daughter upset after scratching the side of her vehicle.

The mum-of-one told the Visiter: “I was having a meal with my partner and my little girl and the manager came up to me to say someone had bumped into my car.

“So I went out and looked at the car.

“There were two ladies, one older lady and another in her 40s who was her daughter.

“The older lady was very upset so I told her to not worry about it at all.

“Yes, it may cost me £200300 to fix but at the end of the day you just have to be nice.

“The older lady wrote down her details on her face mask and tried to give it to me and I just asked her not to and to not worry about, it’s just a scratch.

“Her daughter then offered to pay for our meal, but I said it was fine.

“I just wanted to show a bit of kindness.”

Chantelle then went back to enjoy her meal with her family.

When they walked out the restaurant afterwards, they were brought to tears after seeing what was left on the car.

Sat on the windscreen was a bouquet of flowers and a card, with the card reading: “Thank you for being so kind to my mum.

“She lost her husband in December so is still very fragile.”

Michelle said: “I walked out and found the bouquet of flowers on my car and a card, and in the card there was a kinder egg as well for my little girl.

“I was so emotional when I saw that.

“When I actually read the card I was all over the place.

“It’s amazing how one act of kindness can have such an effect.”

She added: “I think if everyone showed a little bit of kindness it would go a long way because you never know what’s happening in people’s lives.

“After reading that message in the card I just thought ‘everything happens for a reason’.”

 ??  ?? ● Anthony White and Michelle Hechter with daughter, Harper. Inset, flowers, card and chocolate egg left on the car
● Anthony White and Michelle Hechter with daughter, Harper. Inset, flowers, card and chocolate egg left on the car

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