Southport Visiter

‘We need to reckon with the successive hammer blows that have impacted the minds of young people’


LOOKING back, I had a reasonably happy childhood. Enough food on the table, a warm, clean bed, and endless summer hours to play football and pretend I was Bobby Charlton or Denis Law. I was also prone to fears that never materialis­ed: would the Bogeyman come for me with the sack on his shoulder to whisk me away if I behaved really badly? He never came. Would I remain a bit smaller than the other boys in the class and stop being picked for the school team? I was dropped for a while but added a few extra inches later and assumed my position on the wing again.

Would I develop acne so repulsive my face would explode like Mount Vesuvius and Sophia Lauren, to say nothing of the girls closer to home, would totally ignore me? Quite a few did but the acne never materialis­ed.

Most of our fears are unfounded and never come to pass.

Even when they assail us in the night they fade like the morning mist with a new day. But not all do.

I’m old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. I was still at school and for 13 days, along with millions of others, I watched Russia and America draw closer to the brink of a nuclear war that threatened the world with destructio­n.

The catastroph­e was avoided but the memory of those genuinely scary days when neither of my parents would talk to me about the threat even though I knew they were as scared as I was remains vivid.

The world didn’t end but I was right to be afraid.

Last week I had the pleasure of talking to a class of students from the USA at the university where I am a Fellow.

They proved an attentive class and posed some interestin­g questions.

I talked about my work as a priest and writer, my role at the university, my visits to America, and my latest book which I thought might be of interest as they looked to their futures and the kind of lives they wanted to lead when exams were over.

Talking to their professor later, I compliment­ed her on the class and asked her opinion on the students at this tipping point in their studies.

She said they were generally able and agreeable and open to the importance of decent Christian values and, wherever possible, of doing the right thing. Then she paused and said they were also easily distracted - social media, endless messaging, checking their online profiles against others that might look better.

No surprises there, I thought.

But then she added that the root of their distractio­n was anxiety about the precarious world they are shortly to inherit, and the fear they have concerning a future that is clouded by the impact of climate change and the possibilit­y of ecological catastroph­e.

I guess I knew this at some level but her observatio­n brought me up short.

Those of us who are older, in some cases much older, need to reckon with the successive hammer blows that have impacted the minds of young people: Brexit, a deadly pandemic, extended interrupti­on of their studies, global warming, and now Ukraine, and an economic recession that is going to hurt.

Youth has always been given over to self-absorption, novelty, a tendency to take itself too seriously, and the conviction that to be young is to be immortal. I’m no longer sure they share the latter belief to the same extent. They are fearful.

We might bear this in mind next time we see them manacled to their mobiles.

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