Southport Visiter

Teenager who stabbed boy, 16, on beach is locked up

Steampunk Bay added to Pleasurela­nd’s attraction­s


ABOY on a day out with friends at Formby Beach was asked “are you laughing at me?” before he was chased and repeatedly stabbed.

The teenager suffered injuries including a collapsed lung and a ruptured spleen during the brutal and unprovoked attack, which was committed in front of “horrified bystanders”.

Knifeman Rhaheem Hamed has now been locked up over the “twoon-one” assault on his unarmed victim.

A trial at Liverpool Crown Court heard that the victim was among a group who had gathered at the beach on Sunday, May 30, 2021, and was walking back towards Freshfield Station while “laughing with friends” shortly after 7pm.

As they did so, the then-16-year-old – who is now aged 19 – heard a voice ask: “Are you laughing at me?”

David Watson, prosecutin­g, described how he was then chased by a gang of youths, “running as fast as he could”, before being taken to the ground on Victoria Road.

The teen suffered wounds to the lower left of his back, a collapsed lung, a ruptured spleen and broken ribs during the incident.

He spent four days in Aintree Hospital after being admitted to the major trauma unit, during which time he underwent a blood transfusio­n and a chest drain.

One cyclist described seeing him being kicked on the floor before Hamed, of Arnold Crescent in Toxteth, crouched over him with a large knife with a six-inch blade and stabbing him two to three times.

The 19-year-old defendant then ran off before the witness rushed to the casualty’s aid.

A woman who was on the beach with her boyfriend meanwhile saw the victim being chased by a male and female.

She began filming the altercatio­n on her mobile phone as he was kicked before capturing the moment of the stabbing on video.

Hamed was later seen “pacing up and down” at the train station before making his way back to South Liverpool. He was arrested at his home on June 23 that year, with police seizing clothing matching the garments he was seen wearing in the footage.

His criminal record amounts to two previous conviction­s for three offences, all of which were committed after the stabbing.

Hamed was brought before a judge in October 2022 following an incident in Towyn in North Wales in April that year which saw him threaten fairground workers with a baseball bat.

Cheryl Mottram, defending, told the court: “For a postal requisitio­n to take two years when it would seem that the crown had all of the evidence very early on is not something that can be laid at this defendant’s door, in my submission.

“It is perhaps one of those sorry situations where Mr Hamed has all the potential to be a productive member of the community.

“He is certainly very highly regarded by the individual­s who have taken the time to write references on his behalf. He certainly seems to be a hard-working individual and a kind and caring individual to those around him.

“He has a very supportive family. This will be his first taste of custody.

“It will be difficult for him, especially in light of the fact that the sentence will be measured in years and not months. I ask the court to give him a sentence that does not quash all hope that this man has for the future.”

Hamed was found guilty of wounding with intent and possession of a bladed article in a public place by a jury.

Appearing via video link to HMP Altcourse, he was handed six years in a young offenders’ institute.

Sentencing, Judge Stuart Driver KC said: “This was a two-on-one attack on an unarmed, innocent teenager in the street. The number of injuries and their depth caused damage to two separate internal organs, to the lung and to the spleen.

“You deliberate­ly took a knife out with you in a backpack to a beach where you knew there would be lots of young people. For no reason, explosivel­y, you used it on a busy street, horrifying innocent bystanders.

“The case is also aggravated by your criminal record. You have since been convicted of affray with a weapon at another seaside resort.

“I have read letters that speak highly of a better part of your character. I take into account the delay but that was largely caused by you.

“A powerful mitigating factor is your age. You were 16 years and nine months at the time and I will sentence you as if you were that age today.”

You deliberate­ly took a knife out with you in a backpack to a beach where you knew there would be lots of young people

SOUTHPORT Pleasurela­nd has reopened for the 2024 season following a £5m investment.

The investment follows a monumental developmen­t plan that has already seen the creation of Viking Adventure Golf, an 18-hole mini golf completed in 2022.

Since August 2023, an additional £5m has been injected into the park to install a first for the UK - a new themed land revolving around the steampunk aesthetic.

Norman Wallis, Southport Pleasurela­nd’s chief executive officer, said: “The new land we have developed is a major draw to performers and festivals and we have already got some exciting events planned for Southport later this year.

“Steampunk Bay is the UK’s only steampunk theme park. “Victoriana and sci-fi meet to create an immersive realm which will bring a whole new feel to the park. “We’ve worked day and night across the winter months to bring these new attraction­s to life and with the help of an incredible team, we’ve managed to do it, just in time for opening.

“Our 2024 season is going to be the best yet.”

 ?? ?? Merseyside Police scene on Formby Beach after a teenager was stabbed by Rhaheem Hamed (right)
Merseyside Police scene on Formby Beach after a teenager was stabbed by Rhaheem Hamed (right)
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