Sporting Gun

Safe ‘n’ sensible


How far does shot from a 12-bore travel? There is a minor road close to our syndicate shoot, and we don’t wish to alarm people who might be using it.

Mike says:

The accepted down-range safety margin is 300 metres, but the shot will be spent well short of that range, and a person would be extremely unlucky to be injured when hit, unless a pellet struck them in the eye.

There are several factors which govern the distance shot travels. One is the angle at which it is fired – the longest distances are recorded when the barrels are pointed at about 30 degrees. Other factors are wind strength and direction, and atmospheri­c pressure.

I remember taking part in a 50-bird Sporting competitio­n, and as the day progressed a stiff breeze escalated into a full gale. One of the stands presented low-flying driven pairs coming down-wind, and the stand eventually had to be abandoned because competitor­s were being hit by their own shot being blown back into their faces.

The other incident I recall was when I interviewe­d a shooter who had taken part in a FITASC shoot at very high altitude in South Africa’s Drakensbur­g Mountains.

All the UK competitor­s were amazed at the long ranges at which they could hit and break clays. The ranges, it seems, were enhanced by the thin-ness of the air.

This latter phenomenon is unlikely to affect us here in Britain, but wind can be a factor – either lengthenin­g or shortening distance travelled. However, if you go for a safety margin of 300 metres you should be okay.

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