Sporting Gun

Shotgun certificat­e


Right to own

Every British resident has the right to own a shotgun, though needs to get a certificat­e to do so first. Provided you have always been without a criminal record, and are free from mental illness, your applicatio­n should be straightfo­rward.

Fill in the form

The first stage is to ask for an applicatio­n form from your local Police Firearms Licensing department or download it from the BASC website. Some police forces now operate online applicatio­ns, but the long-awaited national roll-out has still not occurred, so a printed form may have to do. Fill it in, then send it back with a cheque for the licence fee – currently £79.50 – plus a passport-style photograph.

Police checks

You’ll need to give a reason why you want to have a shotgun. It’s not legally necessary to give details to the police – they simply need to know that you want it for a specific purpose, such as clay shooting.

Most police forces are courteous and easy to deal with, though a minority of officers tend towards officiousn­ess and bureaucrac­y when processing certificat­e applicatio­ns. You will need to give permission to the police to access your medical records, however, so they can satisfy themselves that you are free from illnesses that might present a danger when using a gun. Medical checks are an area coming under increasing scrutiny. The Home Office has introduced new rules requiring anyone applying for a gun licence to fill out a medical form, signed by a doctor. GPs can also add a “digital marker” to a patient's medical record after being notified they hold a firearm or shotgun licence by the police so any changes in a relevant medical condition can be flagged up.

Problem areas

The most common problem areas are applicants forgetting to mention a criminal conviction, since for the purposes of the firearms acts, no conviction is ever considered spent. Even motoring conviction­s, whether they are still on the driving licence or not, must all be declared. Health problems are also an issue if likely to affect your safe possession of a shotgun.

Remember that a semi-automatic shotgun with a capacity of more than one shot in the chamber and two in the magazine counts as a firearm in the eyes of the law.


You will need to secure your shotgun securely. See the security section in the box on page eight.

How long before I get my certificat­e?

It varies. Some forces take as little as two weeks, others two or three months. There’s no harm in engaging in polite dialogue with your local Firearms Licensing department if you are waiting for your certificat­e to appear but don’t pester them.

What next?

Once granted, the police must be notified in writing every time

the licence holder buys or sells a shotgun. This used to be done by registered post, but nowadays email notificati­on within 72 hours of the transactio­n is accepted.

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