Steam Railway (UK)



The conclusion a reader may draw from Steam Railway’s LNER newbuild analysis is perfectly clear: building two new ‘B17s’ costs approximat­ely twice as much, and consequent­ly has about half the chance of success as building one. There is no confusion.

While I always welcome statements on progress from new-build groups, the joint statement issued by the B17SLT and NBLPG fails to address the obvious: the two groups should pool their resources to jointly build and operate one locomotive. The locomotive’s identity could then be changed periodical­ly to favour each group in turn. To this end a small design modificati­on to allow easy removal of the lower cab side sheets might be incorporat­ed, along with an alternate pair featuring the ‘other’ number.

I think NBLPG’s mock-up is a waste of time and energy; resources which would be better put towards restoratio­n of the original LNER tender to run behind the locomotive frames taking shape slowly in Llangollen. While it’s clear that Manchester United FC enjoys tremendous support worldwide, I doubt that many of its fans could care less about a steam locomotive that used to exist on the other side of the world and much fewer would wish to contribute towards recreating it.

This new-build ‘blind alley’ is diverting attention and funds away from the actual locomotive, and as such NBLPG have to bear responsibi­lity for any resulting ‘confusion’.

James Briggs, Cullingwor­th See the latest part of our New-build Analysis on pages 50-54.

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