Stirling Observer

Six-hour drinking session led to row

- Court reporter

A man became abusive after almost six hours of drinking at a family wedding, a court heard.

Garry Lyons ( 30), of Colliers Road, Fallin, admitted behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner on June 6 at the A91 between Muirton Roundabout and Manor Powis Roundabout

The charge said he acted in an aggressive manner towards his partner Charlene McNeil by shouting, swearing and punching the windscreen of the car, causing damage.

The court heard that the couple had been together for 12 years. Lyons is the branch manager for a shoe repair shop and his partner works part- time in a garden centre.

They had gone to a cousin’s wedding in Alloa on Saturday and Lyons was drinking from 4.30pm until 10.15pm.

Fiscal depute Lindsey Brooks told the court: “The witness could see the accused was starting to annoy other guests and decided to drive home to Fallin.

“The accused started shouting and swearing.

“The witness stopped the vehicle and he punched out at the windscreen with his left hand, causing the screen to crack at the top of the passenger side. His watch broke as a result of that.

“Ms McNeil was frightened and contacted police.

“He stayed in the car, continuing to talk and make no sense.

“Then he left the vehicle and fell over a crash barrier, falling into a grassy embankment.”

Police arrived and Lyons was arrested just after 11pm.

Mrs Brooks added: “He told police he had an argument with his girlfriend and he had been drunk but said ‘It’s no excuse, is it?’”

Defence solicitor Alastair Ross said: “He understand­s entirely why his partner contacted police and he’s had two nights in the cells to reflect on his conduct.

“He’s a man who used to drink but not so much in the past few years.

“He allowed it to get out of control on Saturday.”

He said Ms McNeil had been in touch to stress that the incident was a one-off and she was happy to have him return home.

Sheriff John Halley told him: “You obviously realise that your conduct was completely unacceptab­le and disgracefu­l and must never be repeated.”

He deferrred sentence until October 7 for Lyons to show good behaviour and warned him: “You must demonstrat­e this is an isolated incident or the court will deal with this extremely seriously.”

 ??  ?? One-off Garry Lyons’ partner was willing to take him back
One-off Garry Lyons’ partner was willing to take him back

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