Stirling Observer

Panto princess sheds her locks for Eilidh

Young actress will cut her hair for memorial fund

- Kaiya Marjoriban­ks

A fundraisin­g panto princess is hoping to magic up cash for the Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund this weekend.

This Saturday, Michelle Tait will be selling raffle tickets at an event in Stirling Arcade, where children can also meet Disney favourite Elsa from the hit movie Frozen.

Michelle (26) is also supporting the charity this month by having her long locks cut off into a short style for the first time - and might even pluck up the courage to have the deed done on Saturday.

She said: “Eilidh’s dad Gordon Brown helped to coach me in acting.

“Without him I would never have made it to drama school in London. Anything I can do to help him and his family raise funds for the charity I am more than happy to do.

“I normally play a panto princess every year but made the decision that last Christmas would be the last time so the hair is coming off.

“My sponsorshi­p money will be going to Eilidh’s fund but I am also donating my hair to the Little Princess Trust which makes wigs for children who have lost their hair through illness.

“I have never had short hair so I am really dreading it, but it is for a fantastic cause.

“I have already raised quite a lot of money so far and people have been very generous, but it would be great to raise as much as possible.”

The charity is aiming to build a respite home in the countrysid­e near Stirling for young people with life limiting illnesses and their families.

The Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund was set up by her family to make Eilidh’s wish, of helping others in her situation, come true. Before Eilidh passed away she and her family had spent time at Calum’s Cabin.

The treasured time there inspired her family to try to set up something similar in the Stirling area, and around £300,000 has been raised so far, with a picturesqu­e site having been earmarked near Thornhill for the respite home.

The charity is also gearing up for its Charity Golf Classic, which takes place at Stirling Golf Club on Sunday July 12.

Comedian Andy Cameron will be hosting the prize giving and raffle, and there will be a hot meal in the club.

Entry is £50 per person/£200 per team of four.

There are also opportunit­ies for sponsorshi­p of the event including: sponsor a hole, programme sponsorshi­p and raffle/donation. For more informatio­n and to enter go to www.eilidhbrow­

 ??  ?? Charity support Michelle Tait
Charity support Michelle Tait

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