Stirling Observer

Birthday girls give up gifts to help others


Caring seven-year-olds from Bridge of Allan have forfeited birthday presents in favour of helping children thousands of miles away.

Erin Huskie and Catie Deane are both in Primary 2 at Bridge of Allan Primary School.

The pair both have birthdays in the same week and recently decided to have a joint seventh birthday party.

But when it was suggested to them that it might be nice to collect for charity instead of receiving gifts from their school friends, the duo jumped on the opportunit­y to help others less fortunate than themselves.

With their classmates on board, the celebratio­ns turned out to be a major boost for Mary’s Meals.

Erin’s mum Lynne said: “Myself and Catie’s mum Lee Deane suggested to them that it might be nice to collect for a charity instead.

“Between us it was decided Mary’s Meals and their backpack project was ideal.

“The backpacks are for school children age 5 -12 in Malawi who already receive support from the Mary’s Meals project.

“The girls’ classmates brought rucksacks filled with items which are most needed including notebooks, pens, crayons, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, t-shirts, shorts, shoes and a towel.

“Everyone enjoyed picking the items. We have managed to fill 20 complete backpacks to go to Malawi.

“As the girls parents we are extremely proud of them and very grateful to all their classmates for supporting them in doing this.”

 ??  ?? Kind Bridge of Allan youngsters Erin Huskie and Catie Deane with some of the backpacks
Kind Bridge of Allan youngsters Erin Huskie and Catie Deane with some of the backpacks
 ??  ?? Party time Erin and Catie exchanged birthday gifts for Mary’s Meals backpacks
Party time Erin and Catie exchanged birthday gifts for Mary’s Meals backpacks

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