Stirling Observer

Park return is just Dino-mite


I’ll never forget the summer of 1993 – I was10 years old and was part of an excited queue round the block eagerly awaiting entry to the cinema to see the much-hyped Jurassic Park.

This was my first sample of a Jaws or Star Wars-style “event movie” – and, boy, did it live up to the billing.

From Jeff Goldblum’s putdowns and nailbiting moments involving chewed-up Jeeps to lawyers being eaten, Spielberg’s dinosaur resurrecti­on was pure joy from start to finish.

Two decent sequels followed and now, 14 years after the previous instalment, the park finally opens to tourists in Jurassic World.

As with entry number three, Spielberg vacates the director’s chair, which is filled this time by Colin Trevorrow, with this, remarkably, only his second big-screen outing after 2012’s time-travel comedy Safety Not Guaranteed.

But he’s clearly a fan of Spielberg’s work with several nods to the original movie, and from the moment those park doors open to the sound of John Williams’s familiar score, a warm sense of nostalgia kicks in.

Trevorrow forms part of a four-strong writing team who put the prehistori­c animals on show in a fully functionin­g theme park.

A familiar Spielbergi­an dysfunctio­nal family unit kicks things off and the profits-over-safety and mad science tropes synonymous with the series are present and correct, culminatin­g in the creation of a new “super” dinosaur. The ferocious, geneticall­y-modified indominus rex is a terrifying new antagonist as it stalks its prey using a host of different abilities through the personalit­y traits and strengths gifted to it by those in lab coats.

Fresh dinosaurs don’t end there, though, as the water-dwelling mosasaurus makes a memorable bow and pterodacty­ls – previously seen only briefly in the third film – swoop from the skies in a thrilling sequence.

Old favourites the velocirapt­ors are now trained by human hands – a developmen­t not as dumb as I originally feared – and the original park king, the T-rex, gets his moment to shine.

The use of CGI over practical effects is inevitable but works for the most part and Trevorrow gets the blood pumping with near escapes, big frights and dino-on-dino combat mixing with clever visuals and in-jokes, including “Jaws” being eaten. He also brings along new blood for the dinos to chew on, led by Chris Pratt’s charming “bad-a**” and Bryce Dallas Howard’s stuffed shirt turned sweaty, brave flare-wielder.

Vincent D’Onofrio brings some villainy, Jake Johnson’s Jurassic Park “traditiona­list” a few laughs and Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson keep on the right side of the annoying kids scale.

Great family fun, Jurassic World is the best series entry since the first and the finest recommenda­tion comes not from me but from the youngster who left the cinema with the same wide-eyed wonder I did 22 years ago who yelled: “That was awesome!”

 ??  ?? Raptor ride Owen (Pratt) with some of the Park’s most famous inhabitant­s
Raptor ride Owen (Pratt) with some of the Park’s most famous inhabitant­s

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