Stirling Observer

The dangers of DIY heating

- Lorraine Howard

With spring a popular time for home repairs, households across Scotland are being warned about the potential dangers of trying to fix their own heating systems, with local technician­s revealing their top DIY fails.

The most common bodged heating repair jobs include homeowners attempting to fix or replace their own boiler when it has broken down, installing a new oil tank or moving an existing one, incorrectl­y blocking up flues and trying to fit new radiators.

Malcolm Farrow, from OFTEC, which represents the oil heating industry, commented: “With the weather starting to get warmer, many households in Scotland will be thinking about tackling those long overdue home repairs.

“However, when it comes to heating systems of all types, it’s important to leave it to the experts.

“Trying to fix or service a heating system yourself could easily create a potential fire hazard, fuel or water leak or put you at risk of Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning. CO is a highly poisonous gas caused by incomplete combustion.

“You can’t see it, taste it or working correctly and efficientl­y.

“If you use an OFTEC registered technician you can be confident the work will be completed to a high standard.

“While it is tempting to try and save money by doing any work yourself, with the price of heating oil so low, households are currently benefittin­g from huge cost savings.

“We recommend putting a little of this money aside to employ a profession­al who can safely carry out the work, providing you with complete peace of mind.”

 ??  ?? Malcolm Farrow
Malcolm Farrow

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