Stirling Observer

Supervisio­n after drunken row with cops

49-year-old found with cannabis

- Court reporter

A man who drunkenly shouted, swore and struggled with police officers near a Callander caravan park has been placed under supervisio­n.

Garry Pearson, 49, admitted behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner on the A84 near Gart Caravan Park on August 17 last year.

He was later found with 1.3 grammes of Class B drug cannabis resin after being searched by officers at Falkirk Police Office.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard how at around 11.15pm witnesses travelling on the south on the A84 flashed their lights and made a passing police car aware of something up ahead.

Fiscal depute Adrian Fraser said: “The police vehicle slowed and saw the accused and a dog on the northbound side. Police approached him and noticed that he was heavily under the influence of alcohol.

“He told them that he was staying at the caravan park and got lost on his way home. He appeared to be unsteady on his feet so he was taken to the police vehicle where he was rambling incoherent­ly.”

Pearson, of Calderigg Place in Airdrie, failed to provide officers with details and began to shout and swear.

A struggle began and he tried to pull away from the officers while continuing to shout and swear before issuing a threat.

He was then brought under control and taken to Falkirk Police Office where he was found with the drugs.

His defence solicitor said: “He was in a pub drinking when he had a disagreeme­nt with some of the locals. He claims that somebody kicked his dog.

“He left the pub, was angry and reacted the way he did. He wants to apologise to the court.”

Sentencing Pearson, Sheriff Wyllie Robertson imposed a 12 month supervisio­n order.

He said: “This is an alternativ­e to custody so if you breach the order you know that is likely.”

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