Stirling Observer

All quiet on first night of city fair


Police made seven arrests in the centre of Stirling on Wednesday but are not linking any to the start of the Forthside fun fair that night.

Stirling Council last week gave the go-ahead for the fun fair, despite an objection from police.

Police were concerned that it could lead to damage and disorder similar to 12 months ago, when 17 windows were smashed in Forthside offices while a fair was taking place at the same venue.

David Thomson, of Thomson Fun Fairs, was granted a licence to stage the fair on the car park near the Vue and opposite the Premier Inn and Beefeater.

Stirling area commander Lynn Ratcliff, who has drafted in extra police to cope with any trouble, said on Wednesday:“We had no real issue in and around the fairground but there was a little bit of low-level disturbanc­e in the town centre.

“The town centre was quite busy with events for students and it would be a huge leap to say the trouble was attributab­le to the shows.”

Police patrolling the town centre on Wednesday night issued four fixed-penalty notices for drinking alcohol in the street and a fifth for urinating in public. Two people will also be reported to the procurator fiscal for possession of drugs.

The fun fair will run until Sunday and is open between 1pm and 9pm each day.

Mr Thomson told the Observer last week he would put on extra security and have two staff patrolling the nearby office buildings until 10pm each night.

CI Ratcliff added:“We are pleased and encouraged by the good behaviour of those attending the fair on Wednesday and grateful for the support of the operator in increasing security.

“We will have both uniform and plain-clothes officers on patrol in the area and town centre for the duration of the event.“

 ??  ?? Fair play Police are not linking city centre arrests to the Forthside shows
Fair play Police are not linking city centre arrests to the Forthside shows

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