Stirling Observer

Rubbish system has readers riled


Morag Fulton said:“I attended one of the‘roadshows’Councillor Gibson refers to and though the staff tried to be helpful they had little in the way of solid informatio­n.

“We were told there would be huge savings by buying this fleet of vehicles which it now appears are going to be leased.

“Perhaps it’s changes like that in the few months prior to the start of this new collection system that have led to such problems.”

Laura Mckail said:“Am still waiting for mine to be delivered even though they delivered every other bin on street. How stupid can they get?

“Am in between two houses yet they missed mine out and now getting told that all my recycling has just to get put in grey bin.”

Maureen Jeane Carroll said:“Just putting it out there, but why not wait on rolling out the new bins until they were actually able to collect them?”

Jean Ann Griffiths said:“I had to chase them round the street cause they didn’t leave mine.

“I was told they’re in my driveway. My response:‘I don’t have a driveway’. Them:‘ Are you sure?’Doh!”

Vivien Robertson added:“I have my new bins. I was in the house when they were delivered.

“The young man that delivered it was very talkative, explaining that he and the rest of the crew had been brought from CORNWALL specially for this job.

“Now presumably they were not doing this all in one day, so were the council and us council taxpayers, paying for them to have B&B to do this job?”

Alex Speed said:“I have contacted Stirling Council twice about the collection of the brown, blue recycling boxes and food bins which are beginning to smell.

“I have also asked when the large blue bins would be delivered. So far I have received no response. They either can’t tell me or won’t tell me.”

Inge Hamblett suggested:“Cut the big wigs’bonuses and the council will save.”

But Gary McGrow didn’t see a problem. He said:“Hardly chaos. No-one has died. All folk need to do is put their bin out next day if they have not been emptied. Look to the NHS now that’s chaos!”

Norman Graham said:“Stirling Council at their best. Wanting to save money. Wonder how much this saved them. Typical council - Clueless.”

Arlene Docherty said:“Aye you got that in one. Whose daft idea was this?”

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