Stirling Observer

GrahamLamb­ie (SNP)


IT adviser Graham said that he hopes to continue to represent the people of west Stirlingsh­ire.

“I was elected in 2007 as the SNP councillor for the Forth and Endrick ward.

Over the last 10 years one of my main goals was to build good working links with the 11 communitie­s in the ward and I have dealt with a wide range of issues including: road maintenanc­e and safety; winter road gritting; planning; windfarms; public transport; affordable housing; education; National Park alcohol and camping byelaws; waste collection; social care services; and many individual village and resident concerns.

Along with my experience as a Councillor and Bailie, I have a long associatio­n with West Stirlingsh­ire as a former pupil of both Drymen Primary and McLaren High Schools, and have a passionate commitment to the area.

Also, for nearly two decades I have been employed as an IT Business Adviser with Stirling Enterprise and have assisted a number of businesses in rural Stirling with website promotion, digital marketing etc.

I also run an online business and am able to empathise with the challenges facing many small businesses.

I would be privileged to continue to represent you as a councillor for Forth and Endrick, working alongside my colleague Ian Muirhead, and I believe I have the track record, work rate, and ability to fulfil this.”

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