Stirling Observer

Business as usual for lecturers


Forth Valley College was this week returning to normal operation after the national dispute between lecturers and education bosses.

Following a series of strikes, officials of the Educationa­l Institute of Scotland Further Education Lecturers Associatio­n and Colleges Scotland last Friday achieved a breakthrou­gh in their dispute.

Union officials suspended future strike action and said while some details had still to be finalised “sufficient progress has been made to allow agreement in principle to be reached”.

A spokesman for Colleges Scotland said: “We are pleased we’ve reached an agreement, subject to ratificati­on, which not only means an end to the strikes but also, crucially, ensures that colleges can return to business as usual.”

Around 40 per cent of FVC’s 313 lecturers and curriculum managers took part in the dispute which disrupted a number of courses.

FVC principal Ken Thomson said they are now implementi­ng plans to ensure students could finish courses before end of term.

He added: “Our senior management team and heads of teaching department­s met on Monday to ensure the contingenc­ies put in place over the last few weeks were sufficient in order for all of our students to complete their studies by the end of the year.

“I have written to every student to confirm it had been called off and that our curriculum managers and lecturing staff will continue to work with all students to complete their courses within the current time frame, ensuring certificat­ion and full progressio­n.”

Lecturers went on strike after accusing college bosses of failing to honour a pay and conditions package agreed last year. Colleges Scotland said they have offered the lecturers an average nine per cent pay rise that will bring their salaries up to £40,000, with 56 days’ annual leave and 24 hours a week of teaching time.

They claimed EIS FELA demands for fewer teaching hours and more holidays, on top of the “substantia­l” pay rise agreed was “unrealisti­c and unsustaina­ble”.

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said Colleges Scotland had now agreed to honour the deal struck last year and said: “This is a significan­t victory for EIS-FELA members and it means the employers will move immediatel­y to implement phase one of the March, 2016, pay agreement.

“Members’ action has secured this win which will see equal pay delivered across the sector and create equitable common terms and conditions.”

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