Stirling Observer

Kirstein Rummery


“It’s clear to me and – and I hope to you – that when you look at the transport issues facing Stirling and the surroundin­g areas, some people’s needs and experience­s simply haven’t been part of the planning. We have great public transport in and out of the centre of Stirling to accommodat­e commuters – although the links to Edinburgh could be run more frequently. But what we don’t seem to have is considerat­ion for the other people who need affordable and accessible public transport.

For example, what if you aren’t simply travelling from your home to work and back again? What if you need to drop off your children at childcare or school, and then go on to work? What if you are a carer and need to help someone get to appointmen­ts, or get to work yourself outside of peak times? What if you need to travel across Stirling to visit or support relatives or friends, or get to playgroups? In many rural places if you don’t have a car you are effectivel­y housebound and dependent on other people.

What about young people, particular­ly young women, travelling late at night for study, work or socialisin­g? How frequent is the transport, and is it safe and affordable? In many cases it isn’t.

Take a local example of the decision to make parking in Bridge of Allan 30 minutes only. I am sure this makes the Council plenty of revenue in parking tickets and fines. But it simply doesn’t work for local businesses – 30 minutes is not long enough to park, do your shopping or take advantage of the many wonderful cafes and get back to your car, particular­ly if you have children or a disabled relative with you, or are older or disabled yourself. And once you get a parking fine you aren’t likely to come back.

I believe – and the Women’s Equality Party believes – that transport is an issue that simply doesn’t take the needs of a lot of people into account, particular­ly mothers, carers, disabled and older people, small businesses, and women. WE are fighting to change that and a vote for me is a vote to make those issues heard.”

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