Stirling Observer

Rumour scuppers hotel sale


There was a suggestion in the Observer that the sale of Stirling’s Golden Lion Hotel had been scuppered by hints of its possible takeover by the military.

The property was on the market at the “upset price” of £5000 but there were no offers.

Said the paper: “There might have been had there not been a rumour that the Government might take over the place for the purposes of setting up a recruitmen­t headquarte­rs. In the circumstan­ces the intended offerer held his hand.”

The military authoritie­s were also said to be looking at the “new” Municipal Buildings, Corn Exchange Road, Stirling, and the Royal Hotel, Bridge of Allan, for a similar purpose.

As the Royal was at that stage empty and had bigger rooms, it was thought the favourite to be commandeer­ed should the military proceed with their plans.

Pte G Stewart (29046), King’s Own Scottish Borderers, and Pte T Sneddon (40628), Seaforth Highlander­s, both from Stirling, had been thought to be `missing/ wounded’ but were officially reported to be prisoners of war and in the hands of the Germans.

Mrs Robert Forester, Annfield, Stirling, was doing her bit for the war effort by making a collection of old umbrellas which could be used by patients at military hospitals when they were recuperati­ng in the open air.

Said the Observer: “She gathered about 200 of these useful companions for days of rain or oppressive brilliance and has sent them to the larger hospitals in Scotland.”

And also on the homefront, the Observer told how railway surfaceman Edward McLaughlan, 17 Avenue Park, Bridge of Allan, was lucky to escape serious injury in an “unusual accident.”

He was walking along the side of the railway line, from Bridge of Allan and in the direction of Cornton, when a postal train approached.

The train had equipment which enables it to pick up and drop mail without stopping.

A bag, due to be dropped at Bridge of Allan, was hanging from the equipment and it hit Mr McLaughlan on the head as he was crossing a bridge.

He was thrown against the parapet suffering bruises to the head. He was taken to Stirling Royal Infirmary were he was said to be progressin­g favourably.

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