Stirling Observer

Tragedy sparks baths speculatio­n


Plans by the council to build a public swimming baths in Stirling were “as far away as ever” because of the war.

The Observer speculated that in the years ahead high levels of taxation required to pay for the conflict would lead to municipal schemes having to be shelved.

“Electors will not support spending money on costly projects of any kind, however desirable or in the public interest”, said the paper in a comment made following a tragedy in the Raploch.

The paper reported the deaths of two young boys who drowned 200 yards below the Cruive Dykes in the Forth, about a mile west of Stirling.

A number of boys had congregate­d on the Craigforth side of the river when one of them, 10-year-old Thomas Campbell, who lived with his widowed mother at No 7 Raploch, dived in even though he could not swim.

He got out of his depth and was being carried up the river on a strong tide when Anthony McKendrick (13), son of Mrs Winifred McKendrick, widow, of No 11 Raploch,went to his rescue.

Anthony was unable to pull Thomas to safety and swam to the bank before making a second rescue bid. However, he was so exhausted, he had to turn back.

A third boy, Joseph Kenny (12), son of miner Mr Thomas Kenny, No 9 Raploch, also made a rescue attempt.

Joseph was able to swim and made his way out to Thomas but both boys struggled.

“They then seemed , as if by mutual consent , to drop their hold of one another and both sank and did not come to the surface again,” said the Observer.

Anthony McKendrick made a third attempt to rescue his pals but was driven back and experience­d considerab­le difficulty reaching the bank.

After the alarm was raised, a boat was launched and the bodies were discovered with the aid of a mussel fisher’s `telescope’ following a threehour search.

They were lying within a few yards of each other at the bottom of the river.

As no grappling irons were available, a naval seaman, who was holidaying in Stirling, dived into the water and brought the corpses to the bank.

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