Stirling Observer

Gary on mission to raise cash for burn victim tot in Ghana


A Forth Valley first responder from Bridge of Allan has helped raise funds for a young African burns victim.

Gary Drummond (30), who now lives in Alloa,has been raising the money to help the toddler from Ghana.

Two-year old Elizabeth from the small village of Kakumdo in Cape Coast, Ghana, was left with horrific burns following a fire at her family home.

Elizabeth’s mother, Adjoa Atta was in the house with her children — Elizabeth and her older brother. However, when she momentaril­y stepped out of the house the room caught on fire and whilst Elizabeth’s three-year old brother was able to get to safety, the little girl was left with catastroph­ic injuries.

The toddler suffered burns to her face, arms, torso and legs.

Former Bridge of Allan Primary and Wallace High pupil Gary, who works with Diageo in Alloa, was in Cape Coast in January and February this year working as a medical volunteer and when he heard of Elizabeth’s injuries.

Gary, a Scottish Ambulance Service volunteer, vowed to help raise £2,200 to pay for surgery for the youngster.

So far, he has managed to rake in £1,300 to donate towards treatment. Gary (pictured top right) said:“I have £1,300 to send over which will get her surgeries started and I will look to raise the rest when I find out how she is getting on. The Just Giving page raised £340, My colleagues from the Diageo cooperage gave over £400 towards it and I held a disco at the Allan Bridge Social Club that raised over £500.

“My friends Shauny Sherman, Brian Cattigan and David Bateman, local musicians well known around the area, took to the stage to help out and played great sets at the Allan Bridge Social Club. Russell Boyce who used to run The Crooked Arm organised most of the night and local Sharon Kane sold the tickets.

“I’m going over to Ghana for a weekend in October to see how she’s getting on and will keep everyone updated.

“I’ll see what the update is and see what further surgeries Elizabeth needs and how much that would cost then I will decide what I will do to raise the rest of the money.

“I’d like to thank everyone who helped raise funds.”

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 ??  ?? Tragic tot Elizabeth suffered horrendous burns in a fire
Tragic tot Elizabeth suffered horrendous burns in a fire

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