Stirling Observer

Women are left shaken

- Court reporter

A racist who approached two women in traditiona­l Muslim dress and gave them a “white power” salute was jailed for 10 months last week.

Jordan Catlin, 26, left the women, who had a young child with them, “visibly shaken” by his actions in St Ninians, Stirling, the city’s sheriff court was told.

The court heard the incident occurred just before midday on July 17 when the women were waiting to cross the road near the Lidl supermarke­t.

Matthew Kerr, prosecutin­g, said: “They were wearing traditiona­l Muslim clothing with headscarve­s, and had a small child with them.

“They were standing at a pedestrian crossing waiting to cross the road.”

Mr Kerr said what happened next was seen by two witnesses, whose attention was drawn to Catlin by his “aggressive body language”.

The depute fiscal said: “The lights changed to allow pedestrian­s to cross.

“When they did so the accused stepped into the road in front of both Asian females and turned to face them before making a Nazistyle salute and shouting the words ‘white power’.

“The witnesses observed both Asian females appeared visibly shaken and distressed by the accused’s actions and reported the matter to the police.”

Catlin was arrested nearby and made no reply to being cautioned and charged.

Catlin, a casual labourer, of Springkers­e House, Stirling, pleaded guilty to using racially-aggravated threatenin­g behaviour.

He also admitted stealing someone’s £80 bicycle which had been left propped up and unlocked outside a nearby jobcentre while its owner signed on.

Defence agent Brian Malone said Catlin had “difficulti­es with alcohol”.

In relation to the racist incident, he said: “He fully accepts that behaving in this fashion is utterly moronic.”

Imposing the 10 month jail term, Sheriff John Rafferty told Catlin: “Your conduct was quite shocking. One person is diminished by it, and that person is you.”

Catlin showed no emotion as he was handcuffed and led to the cells.

PC Carrick from Stirling Community Policing Team said: “Forth Valley Police Division take a zero tolerance approach to racially motivated and aggravated crimes. We would like to pass our thanks on to those members of the community who came forward and showed their support to those victims of crime and reported their concerns to police.”

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