Stirling Observer

Hospital TVs story sparks debate


A story in last Wednesday’s Observer (August 9, 2017) about how NHS Forth Valley had spent £661,000 replacing television­s at Forth Valley Royal Hospital sparked debate on our social media channels.

Alexander Stewart MSP said TVs should not be a priority at a time when the health service was under financial pressure.

Our readers took to Facebook to comment.

Rickie Mclaughlan: “People need normality when in hospital, I would be suicidal if I didn’t keep up with all my soaps. TV is good when you’re ill or recovering and at the end of the day it’s our national insurance that’s paying for it. Good on you all at this hospital.”

Mhairi Heather Nisbet : “As a recent patient I can tell you that the TV is vital for one’s sanity but they are currently not fit for purpose. A large expense but worthwhile to make your stay slightly more bearable.”

Cherie F Davidson: “The current TVs are useless you can’t watch them properly from bed. Patients need some normality while recovering in hospital. TV provides them with something to look at other than the four walls.”

Fiona McL: “About time too. I tried for months in different areas of the hospital to get my uncle’s TV to work. They were useless never had signal and if you were lying in bed wouldn’t reach far enough forward for you to see. For a man who was used to sitting with his TV on three months without one was mind-numbingly boring.”

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