Stirling Observer

We can get even better

Mackay says more to come from his league leaders


Stirling Albion manager Dave Mackay watched his side beat Berwick Rangers 4-0 at Forthbank on Saturday but insists there is more to come from his side.

The Binos were back in action last night (Tuesday) against Montrose in the IRN-BRU Cup then host Edinburgh City on Saturday as they look to build on a fourgame winning run.

Stirling are top of the early Ladbrokes League 2 table after following up the 3-2 victory at Stenhousem­uir with another three points against John Coughlin’s men.

Mackay said: “It was a good result in the end. I still feel we can get better – we were a bit sloppy in the second half at times and took our foot off the gas when there was a real chance to push on and get an even more convincing result but you have to be pleased with four goals and a clean sheet. “We struggled to deal with their shape a bit in the first half and their No 13 Kieran Stewart was getting on the ball too easy and (Michael) McKenna was causing us a few problems – they are not as bad as the result suggests. They have a young squad and I’m sure they’ll learn from games like this. “It’s very early days so I’m not concerned about being top of the table – maybe it will be different if we are still up there in March! We’ve given ourselves a great start but it’s all about building on it now.”

Berwick boss Coughlin described Darren Smith’s opener as “a World Cup goal” but Mackay was also delighted with the role played by Ross Kavanagh in the build-up.

He said: “It was a great finish by Darren but it comes about because of Ross Kavanagh winning the ball back.

“He did great to win it in our half then find Darren and that shows the work rate we have got. Kav was playing through the middle but he’s not scared to track runners or maybe fill in for guys who are caught out of position.

“Peter MacDonald has had a number of assists already but is still to get off the mark in the league. It’s only a matter of time but it’s great that we don’t havetorely on one person – that’s Kav scored for two weeks in a row as well so that’s pleasing. When you look at the front four we had, and Liam Caddis behind them and Ewan McNeil putting in some good balls, we always looked a threat.

“We have certainly got goals in the team and I’m delighted we managed to keep a clean sheet because we didn’t defend particular­ly well last week.”

Saturday’s opponents Edinburgh City beat the Binos 1-0 at Meadowbank Stadium at the end of last season and generally proved stuffy opponents in their first SPFL campaign.

Gary Jardine’s men have lost to Montrose and Cowdenbeat­h this season but Mackay reckons it would be dangerous to read too much into their slow start.

He said: “Edinburgh are well organised and will come here and try to make it difficult so it’s up to us to break them down and keep it tight at the back because they are the type of team that make it very difficult for you if they go 1-0 up.

“No-one’s going to come here and roll over in this league.”

 ??  ?? On a roll Callumn Morrison escapes the attentions of Berwick’s Chris McDonald
On a roll Callumn Morrison escapes the attentions of Berwick’s Chris McDonald

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