Stirling Observer

We would’ve been lost without it


Robin House, we dismissed it, we felt we were coping and didn’t need any support. But after our first meeting with the support team, we realised that Robin House was not full of doom and gloom but a place of joy and love and we never looked back.

“It didn’t come as an easy decision to make.

“To even sit and talk about hospice care for your child is almost impossible to come to terms with but once we got to know the staff, we knew being part of Robin House was the best decision we could have made for Erin and for our family.”

Erin required 24-hour care and used a wheelchair, which mean that the young family weren’t able to spend much quality time together.

CHAS began supporting the family in March 2014.

As well as being supported by Robin House, one of CHAS’s Diana Children’s Nurses Caroline Porter supported them in hospital too.

CHAS also helped the family with extra care when the two youngest children were born – and support for the family is something that Gemma and Jamie will be forever grateful for.

“It’s hard to put into words the feeling of support that the team at Robin House give you,” said Gemma.

“They offered care to every one of our children and to Jamie and myself and were real lifesavers to us, we couldn’t have got through everything without their help.

“Erin loved coming here. She got to go in the hydrothera­py pool and play music and staff take her on little trips out to places like Loch Lomond Shores. It made some very special memories that we can treasure forever.

“As a family something we had never been able to do was go swimming together, with Erin’s tracheosto­my we were told she couldn’t,” said Gemma.

“But the moment we arrived at Robin House we were told that Erin and the whole family could go into the hydrothera­py pool and I have to say that those days were just wonderful, we were all in and even my mum came along to take some snaps of us all splashing about, such special times.”

But the couple admit they were always a little nervous when days out were planned by the team at Robin House.

“When they went to Blair Drummond we ended up stalking them in the car to make sure everything was okay,” laughed Gemma. “We were so worried but it was needless as Erin had the time of her life, she always did with the Robin House team.”

In April Erin passed away at home but within hours the team from Robin House were with the family and Erin was taken to the family Rainbow Room at Robin House.

“It happened quickly at home but the team were with us within hours,” said dad Jamie.

“Our support worker was on hand straight away and we took Erin to Robin House. We were so numb and felt we couldn’t cope with anything. Just to have people say to us they could help with anything we needed.

“They even offered to organise Erin’s funeral but we did it, we found strength from their support and even on the day of the funeral they looked after our two younger children, they went above and beyond as they always do for families.”

The time Gemma and Jamie spent with Erin once she had passed away in Robin House’s Rainbow Room was something that these heartbroke­n parents will always remember.

“We had 11 days with Erin and it gave us time to with her that we will be forever grateful for,” said Jamie.

“The team were so understand­ing and became our tower of strength throughout those dark days.

“Time is passing and we know life goes on for everybody, people who you work with or family, and when we come to Robin House we know we can talk about her. The memories are there.”

The family’s connection with Robin House have grown stronger, earlier this year they were invited to the opening of the new look £1.8 million makeover at the centre.

“It was a great day for us all,” said Gemma.

“Robin House was a wonderful place for Erin and the staff here are also fantastic with all of my children who all got to know the team - they offered my son Brendan sibling activities and we were very grateful for that.”

“It doesn’t come easily coming here for the first time but once we got to know the staff, we knew being part of

Robin House was the best decision we could have made.” One of the special memories the family have is attending the opening of the £1.8 million revamp of Robin House earlier this year. “That was an amazing day,” said Gemma. “Everyone was all smiles and excited to see the new activity room and art room and it was a day we will remember forever. “It’s a wonderful place for Erin and the staff here are also fantastic with all of my children. “They offered sibling activities for our nine-year-old son Brendan and the two babies. They really do offer family support that includes every member of the family, not just the child who needs medical support. “We would be lost without Robin House.” The support from Robin House continues for Gemma, Jamie’s and the children – even when they sat down to plan their upcoming wedding in November. “We were torn as to whether we should go on with the wedding, we feltl Erin should be there. But with the love and support from the team at Robin House we are trying to move forward – and know that Erin will be there by our side.”

 ??  ?? Inspiring others Abbie with her mum and dad Lisa and Allen and brother and sister Robyn and Sean who have created the A for the CHAS Alphabet appeal in her memory
Inspiring others Abbie with her mum and dad Lisa and Allen and brother and sister Robyn and Sean who have created the A for the CHAS Alphabet appeal in her memory
 ??  ?? Fun times The revamped activity room is a big the hit with youngsters of
Fun times The revamped activity room is a big the hit with youngsters of

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