Stirling Observer

Child sex attacker is locked up

Sent to prison for a year

- Court reporter

A Stirling man who sexually assaulted a young girl is behind bars.

Cameron Sharp’s abuse of the girl started when she was just 12 , Stirling Sheriff Court was told on Wednesday (September 6) .

He pleaded guilty to two charges – one of sexual assault and another of sexual assault on a young child – at an address in the city.

The court heard how Sharp carried out the attacks over the course of a three-year period.

He committed the offences between June, 2012, and April, 2015, fondling the young victim as she lay asleep.

The court was told the accused assaulted the girl as she slept and touched her bottom even when her mother was present.

In April 2016, whilst drunk at a party Sharp, of St Ninians, made an inappropri­ate comment which was overheard and that prompted the girl to inform her mother of the years of abuse.

The mother later confronted Sharp and told him “you’re a monster”.

Later Sharp sent a text message to the mother of the girl from an unknown number saying: “I’m sorry for what I have done”.

The police were contacted and Sharp was arrested.

Upon being questioned, he asked officers: “How do I get help for what I am?”.

Defence agent, Ms Devlin said:”Mr Sharp is under no illusion that custody will be at the forefront of your lordship’s mind.

“He does accept that his behaviour was wrong.”

The court also heard how Sharp had a difficult upbringing that made it difficult for him to make friends and how he had also struggled through a marriage break-up and losing his job.

Sheriff Kevin Veal said: “I have considered everything that has been said. This was a clear and serious offence against a child.

“It will always be a public concern.

”The gravity of the offences makes it essential that a custodial sentence is handed down.”

As Sharp sat in the dock with his head bowed he was jailed for a year and will serve a further three years on licence when he is released.

He was also placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register indefinite­ly.

How do I get help for what I am?

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