Stirling Observer

‘Vile’ bullying claims launched at protesters

- Robert Fairnie

Campaigner­s against the developmen­t at Park of Keir have distanced themselves from allegation­s of online bullying.

The Stirling Observer has received two letters from supporters of the project who have raised concerns about the conduct of RAGE and others against the proposals.

Both said that those in favour feel they can no longer air their support for the plans in public as they feel threatened and intimidate­d by opponents. They gave their names to the Observer but asked that they should not be used.

One said a number of comments made online have been “vile, threatenin­g personal and vulgar” – adding that in any other context such conduct would be unlawful.

Another wrote to the paper to say they believe many of those in favour are too afraid to speak out “for fear of being at the receiving end of some of the most vile, vitriolic comments I have ever witnessed.”

The reader added: “The comments directed to Judy Murray and her family are simply disgracefu­l, some, I would suggest, libelous.”

However Inga Bullen, chair of RAGE, said that they strive to keep the debate polite and respectful – and quickly remove any comments posted online which they deem to be offensive.

She said: “Our aim in using social media has been to raise awareness of the issues raised by this controvers­ial proposed developmen­t, to encourage debate and to share informatio­n.

“We strive to maintain discourse in a polite and respectful manner. On the rare occasion that there have been comments that we think are out of order we have removed them and we remind our supporters that this is not helpful.

“It would be most helpful is anyone could send us a screenshot of what has caused offence so that we can address this. I would like to point out that we have no control over other social media platforms.”

Ms Bullen added: “The Scottish Government’s decision to overrule the Planning Reporter has been met with a lot of anger.

“We also have been subjected to denigratio­n and slurs by media commentato­rs, as well as much misreprese­ntation of our motives.”

She believed this was a tactic by those in favour of the scheme to discredit the opposition.

 ??  ?? Blow Park of Keir protesters decided against legal move
Blow Park of Keir protesters decided against legal move

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