Stirling Observer

Bid to turn church into two homes

Cowie kirk shut in March

- Kaiya Marjoriban­ks

Cowie’s former church could be turned into two new homes.

Mac Residentia­l Ltd have applied to Stirling Council planners for a change of use to the parish church in Main Street, which closed earlier this year after 112 years of service to the community.

Four parking spaces are also included in the plans for the church, which held its final service on March 12 before being put on the market by the Church of Scotland for offers around just £50,000.

The detached single-storey building dates back to the early 1900s. The Church of Scotland reserved the right to remove the pews, pulpit and ecclesiast­ical fixtures and fittings prior to the sale.

The church could have, without further planning consent, been converted to a crèche, day nursery, day centre, educationa­l establishm­ent, museum or public library, however the applicatio­n submitted to planners would see the building turned into two apartments - one with four bedrooms and the other with three bedrooms, both on the ground floor. Living, kitchen and dining areas would be on the first floor and there would be mezzanine levels included in both of the new homes.

Cowie Parish Church united with Plean Parish Church in 2013 after which the congregati­on held 030214pari­sh_1

discussion­s on which building should be retained.

Earlier this year a Church of Scotland spokespers­on said that the decision to keep Plean was “cemented with the finding that structural problems in the building of Cowie church left it unsafe for worship”.

 ??  ?? Closed Cowie Parish Church
Closed Cowie Parish Church

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